BHRT Methods
After an office visit to discuss symptoms and lab work, we will determine dosage and work with you to determine the best method for your lifestyle. We work with a number of specialty compound pharmacies to ensure you’re getting the highest quality, cost effective therapy.
Pellet therapy
While any form of BHRT is a step in the right direction when your hormones are imbalanced, certain methods may work better for you than others. Each person is different, and their needs may change over time. This is why it is important to have an individualized program designed for each person.
Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Therapy
At Alchemy Health, we provide bio-identical hormone pellet therapy for women and men. We only utilize bio-identical hormones in treating our patients with hormonal deficiencies. Not only are they safer and more effective but they are the hormones which the brain fully recognizes and allow the body to restore itself to is previous young normal vital state.
What is BHRT?
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is a safe and natural treatment that is effective in treating hormone imbalances in men and women as they age. The hormones used for treatment mirror the bio identity of hormones in the human body. When you use bioidentical hormones, the cells of your body recognize them as familiar and know how to put them to best use.
Bioidentical hormones are safe because, like your own hormones, they fit perfectly into the hormone receptor “locks” of the cells in the body where they do their work. The hormones are produced from plants (specifically a plant molecule called “diosgenin”, that is found in wild yams). This specific molecule does not trigger any of the negative side effects associated with synthetic hormones.
Bio-identical hormones are specifically compounded to identically match what your body once produced. Just pure and simple. Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy is not a one size fits all. When done properly, BHRT is easy, safe and effective.
BHRT Safety
Don’t let the words hormone replacement therapy scare you. This isn’t about synthetic pharmaceuticals or even natural hormones found in plants used in other forms of hormone therapy. This is about the hormones estrogen and testosterone that are 100 percent identical to those created by the human body. Yes, they are made from botanicals, but compounded to precisely match the molecular structure of human hormone for hormone replacement therapy.
Hormones decline as we age every year after the age of 30.
The human body was never designed to live as long as we are living today. Advances in healthcare, vaccinations, and sanitation and food preservatives have drastically increased life span. However, the glands that produce our hormones do not regenerate and continue to decline, producing fewer hormones with each passing year.
As we age, it becomes increasingly more important for both men and women to keep their hormones balanced to protect against fatigue, mood swings, disease, obesity and to enjoy an overall healthier sense of well being.
Benefits of BHRT in Men and Women
Restoring a person’s hormonal balance helps to alleviate common symptoms, improve overall health and create a sense of well-being that may be missing. BHRT patients report:
• Enhancement of libido and/or increased sexual drive
• An increase in lean body mass and a decrease in body fat
• Greater capacity for getting in shape
• Consistency in moods – reduction in feelings of anger, nervousness and irritability
• Increased mental focus, clarity and concentration
• Improved memory
• Increase sense of overall well-being
• Better quality of life
• Decreased hot flashes and night sweats in women
Pellet Therapy
The only method that allows the body to control the release of hormones – raising levels when more hormone is needed and decreasing it when requiring less.
• Delivers a very low dose of hormones continuously, 24/7.
• Releases hormones directly into the bloodstream, thereby passing the gastrointestinal system and liver.
• Consistently proven more effective than oral, injected, or topical methods with regard to sexual function, mood and cognitive function, metabolic function, bone density, urinary and vaginal problems, lipid profiles, breast health and hormone ratios.
• Decades of positive research show bio identical hormone pellets to be safe and the most effective hormone delivery method available when properly administered. In fact, hormone pellets are the only form of hormone therapy to closely mimic what the human ovary and testicle do.
Our pellets are compounded according to the highest industry standards, using the best quality botanical ingredients available. Pellets are specifically formulated to replicate human hormones. No horse urine or fillers like synthetic hormones of the past. Just pure, biologically identical hormones — plain and simple.